Tuesday 21 April 2015

How to install Joomla 3.3.6 on Local Host in 90 Seconds

Posted by JoomDev 12 Comments
Hey Guys, today we are going to share how you can install Joomla 3.3.6 on your local server. Installing a Joomla on your local host is not a tough task.So I am going to share a video and a slide show with you that can help you to guide to install Joomla CMS on your Local host server.

Check out the slide show here

How to install joomla on local host from joomdev

Here is a video also. You must see the video too.

Hope you are now able to install Joomla 3.3.6 on your local host server. Still if you have any query or need any help regarding Joomla, you can drop us a mail or comment here. We will try to respond you as soon as possible. 
Have a great time !!

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Internet is become common thing for every one due to the change of technologies and demands of the user. Online business is the most commercial part of web preferred by most of the people to make money and to lead their business towards progressive growth by sitting anywhere in the world. The growth of every business unit depends mainly on the advertisement.

Thursday 2 April 2015

How To Develop High Quality and Authoritative Backlinks

Posted by JoomDev 10 Comments
Quality Backlinks

Hi folks, this is the very first article I am going to share about How to create a high-quality backlink in Scalable way. Actually what is backlink Building? In Simple word, we can say the process of establishing related, inbound links to our website which help our website achieve higher ranking with the major search engines and drive targeted traffic to our website.
You already know Getting website or a webpage at the top of search engine's organic listing is a very challenging task. Building quality backlinks is the key achieving high visibility in SERPs and high page rank.
In today’s SEO, high quality and relevant backlinks bulk the most value. How do you get these backlinks?! Just Create a right strategy and with a genuine online marketing plan.So here, I am going to share some tips that will surelyhelp you to create a high-quality backlink. I hope you all will like these.

#1 Understand Need of Google

When it comes to (Search engine marketing) and Internet Marketing, Google dictates the step. 
If you would like to make links while not obtaining penalized, you need to understand and work closely with Google’s mission statement. If you fail to try and do that, the technique won’t work.
Before you begin building links to your web content, raise yourself these queries concerning Google’s mission:
  • Is my content well organized?
  • Do I offer helpful data to the sites that may link to mine?
Now talk about the 1st question, because well-organized data is more helpful for effective link-building. I mean you’re website would be easy to navigate.
Getting the navigation right is the first step in organizing your content so people and search engines can find information that’s useful and relevant. The second step is to build a base that will make other sites want to link to yours.

#2 The Quality Backlink You Can Build To Your Website

The Good quality backlink  are those which ones coming from real websites, with good content and lots of social media shares.
Just find what strategy followed by your Competitors in term of SEO, try to build the same links.
The most common ways to build quality backlinks are:
Guest posts on Related websites
Web 2.0
Forums Posting and Blog Commenting in Similar Websites
High-Quality Directory Submission
Article Sharing and Document Sharing (PPT, PDF) usually are great Source.
Share links with Social media Websites
Video Marketing
Press Release Submission
Link Exchange

#3  What backlinks Should be Avoid! 

There are many types of links you should be avoiding in your backlinks profile. 

Don’t Links From Pages With Poor Content

Links from poor sites and link farms can do real harm to you, so avoid them at all costs.Spiders don't index the content of Flash video, so if you use Flash on your site, don't forget to give it unique description.

Don’t Submit To Sites That Have Coding Errors

Search engines say that they do not need poorly designed and coded sites, although there are hardly websites that are illegal because of messy code or ugly pictures however when the look and/or writing of a site is poor, the positioning may not be index in a position at all, thus during this sense poor code and style will hurt you plenty.


Cross-linking suggests that once website A links to site B,B links to site C and site C links back to site A. this is often the only example however a lot of multipart structures ar attainable. Cross-linking feels like cloaked reciprocal link trading and is punished.

The Pyramid Schemers

Link pyramid building schemes and their relatives, link wheels, are cheap tricks used to falsely transfer page rank across several layers of links. Some link building corporations are still using this strategy to build ranks quickly, but ever since the Penguin 3.0 update, Google has been speciallychasing these types of schemes down.

Here are more examples of bad backlinks:

Don't waste your time submission in blog networks and limit blog rolls.
Don’t Do Submission on website that has no contact page.
Don’t post spammy Comment otherwise you will lose your website’s reputation, and you might         also lose your rankings in search engines.
Only do submission for those websites which have domain authority above 25-30.
Another type of link that you should avoid acquiring is non-relevant links to their site.  
Google Says:If you want your website get high quality relevant links is to create Unique and Relevant Content that can naturally gain popularity in the Internet Marketing Communities. It is more Important Content you are post valuable for readers.


It is important to notice that each one link don't seem to be equal which building quality backlinks will cause higher SEO that successively means that additional traffic. If you implement all these tips then you'll regain results and even virtually instant improvement in your program rankings. Get one thing done and rock the world of SEO.
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Thursday 31 July 2014


Posted by JoomDev 14 Comments
 Joomla To Design E Commerce Websites

Before I start to write about why Joomla is perfect for way to design and develop a E-commerce website, I would like to explain little about E Commerce Websites. E Commerce Websites are basically a platform or we can say a industry where some one can sell their products direct to customer and customer can add product in his shopping cart easily by paying online payment through Paypal, Google Checkout, etc. Here E stands for "Electronic" and commerce stands for dealing with selling of product and services to customer in a perfect manner. You can design these type of website in any CMS like wordpress etc but if you design these in Joomla, you don't have to worry about security issue.

Why To Choose Joomla To Design E Commerce Websites?

Joomla is a award winning content management system (CMS) which allow you to design and develop highly secure websites and web applications. Joomla has multi-lingual capability built-in. This works very well but it is not that simple. You have to follow a certain order over actions to make it work, but it is very powerful. It is much secure than WordPress.
The E commerce website designed in Joomla used Themes, Components, Modules, plugins etc.


While we design a E Commerce website, we use these components which helps to enhance the customer experience with purchasing online.
  • Virtumart
  • Hikkashop
  • Redmart
  • Tienda
  • JoomShopping etc.


There are a lots of templates available on internet for Joomla that make your E Commerce website more attractive as well as effective. You can easily optimize these templates according to your requirement.  You can integrate payment methods like PayPal, Google Checkout, Amazon etc.

SEO Friendly:

Joomla is a SEO friendly where you can easily optimize your website according to search engine because it is a simple CMS and can operate easily. You can easily optimize your URLs as well as you can add Meta data to every category and product page. 


Security is the very first and foremost step to maintain the data. The clients also need that their data must not be stolen or hacked by anybody. Therefore, e commerce websites are built in such as way that they offer good security to the details furnished by the customers while purchasing the products or services.
Joomla Development (JoomDev) Corporation is a leading web design, web development and Internet marketing company that deliver highly professional web services to design and develop websites and web applications in different CMS like Joomla, WordPress, Drupal etc.  It avails the services at affordable prices with best quality. An innovative and well qualified team of developers and designers is available who can build outstanding and eye-catching websites. These sites will definitely fetch good revenues for the clients along with targeted traffic.
Need any help regarding Web Design, Web Development, Internet Marketing,. We are available 27/7 hours.

Call Us Any Time +1-785-566-6521

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Monday 21 July 2014


Posted by JoomDev 12 Comments

What Is Woo-Commerce?

Woo Commerce

Woo-Commerce is a free powerful and extendable open source e-commerce plugin in WordPress launched in September 27, 2011 that helps you to sell anything on the internet, provided by WooThemes . And it's available for free. Packed full of features, perfectly integrated into your self-hosted WordPress website. that is really very useful for E-Commerce Business.
I am going to describe you why you should go for Woo-Commerce if you are planing for creating a online store.

Why Woo-Commerce Is Perfect For E-Commerce?

There are several reason to use Woo-Commerce for your E-commerce Website.

It is Totally Free:

The main and greatest  feature of Woo-Commerce is that  it is available free of cost. This plugin allow you to sell product online and it will not charge you anything. You have to download this plugin and install it on your self hosted WordPress website. Just add your products and start your online store with a very little capital.

It’s Familiar:

WordPress supports millions of plugins so any one who is familiar with WordPress can use Woo-Commerce. The settings page has the regular WordPress layout and uses tabs across the very top. This kind of familiarity means that you will save a lot of time and confusion when creating your online store. If you used a more complicated system, you are more likely to get frustrated and give up sooner.

It Looks Professional:

No doubt, Woo-Commerce is totally free WordPress plugin, but it doesn't mean that it does not look like professional. It includes detailed order tracking and customer engagement tools, which allow your customers to look at their past orders and get updates of their delivery statuses. 

It Is Fully Secure:

It is fully secure plugin because it is updated on regular bases, so you don't have to worry about the security issue about your online store.Since it is updated on a regular basis, it will always be compatible with newer versions of WordPress and will not experience a lot of bugs. If a bug does get into the system, technicians will have the issue resolved quickly. 

Huge Flexibility

It has a flexible nature because new one can make any changes in their products without having any experience in technical side. Products can be categorized, given sale prices, independent attributes, and more. In addition to this, WooCommerce stores are capable of selling physical, virtual, downloadable and even affiliate/external products.

Easy to analyses: 

Most of merchant and website owner don't know how to use a analytic tool for their website. Many ecommerce startups may not know how to apply an analytic system to their website, nor will they know what statistics need focused analysis. The built in tool in Woo commerce make it easy to track everything related to your store. 

So these are some very good reasons for why you should strongly consider using WooCommerce to start your first ecommerce project to success. It is not only free but it is also professional as well as easy to use and track your store.
To create or upgrade your online store with woo-commerce . We are a Web Design and Development company in India,

Call +1-785-566-6521 

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Saturday 12 July 2014


Posted by JoomDev 6 Comments
Today Facebook is the most engaging social site where you can share photos, your thoughts, and many more. Today it is become a best medium for advertisement. But did you know some interesting facts about the Facebook. I am going to mention here some interesting facts about the Facebook.

  • Facebook is primarily blue because Mark Zuckerberg is Color Blind. He has red green color    blindness and see blue the clearest.
  • Iceland is rewriting its constitution using Facebook. This is so that all citizens can put forward their suggestions and changes.
  • Dave Chie, The graffiti artist who can painted Facebook’s first HQ, asked to be paid in stock. This stock is now worth $200 million.
  • It is estimated that Facebook has a role in 20% divorce cases in the US.25% of Facebook users have been dumped on Facebook.
  • The first incamation was called Face-mash then the Facebook. Facebook.com was bought for $200000 in August,2005.
  • If Facebook was a country it would be the third largest in the word, behind China and India. It has over 900 million active users.
  • 300 million photos are uploaded to Facebook every day. It is home to over 219 billion photos- 4% of all photos ever taken in history.
  • There are 30 million accounts on Facebook belonging to dead people. There are cases of people being murdered for unfriending others.
  • In 2006 Chris Putnam hacked Facebook, changing 1000s of profile to a MySpace style. He was hired by Facebook.
  • Burger King have a campaign for a free Whopper if you unfriendly 10 people. They sent messages to victims to let them know they were worth less a burger. The campaign was quickly suspended.

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Friday 11 July 2014

How We Can Verify Wordpress.com Blog From Alexa.com

Posted by JoomDev
Wordpress.com is a powerful platform for free blogging. You can create your own blog easily and share your content with other. It is very easy to use. But it is limited for SEO purpose. When you want to verify your blog from alexa, it have no any option to put the meta tag for alexa verification.
But after few research we are able to verify it from alexa.com. You have to follow some simple steps.

Steps To Verify Your Free Wordpress Blog From Alexa.com

  • Go to http://www.alexa.com .
  • Search your website alexa page rank.
  • Click on claim your website option.
  • When you click on this option a new window will appear on the screen , from this choose Verification Code Method.
  • Then Copy this code and go here in your site dashboard.

Here you will find  fields by name Google Webmaster Tools , Bing Webmaster Center, Pinterest Site Verification as shown in the image.
  • In any of the field put your alexa code and save the changes.
  • Then  click on the verify button in alexa and claim your website on the alexa.com
By this short and simple method you will be able to verify your free WordPress blog from alexa.

Please leave your comment if you have another suggestion for this or having you any query.
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Posted by JoomDev 5 Comments

Internet is become common thing for every one due to the change of technologies and demands of the user. Online business is the most commercial part of web preferred by most of the people to make money and to lead their business towards progressive growth by sitting anywhere in the world. The growth of every business unit depends mainly on the advertisement. In past pamphlets, announcements and flyers etc. were used for advertisement purpose but in modern world due to rapid usage of internet, website is the most recommendable entity for this purpose.
Today every company required a official website to survive their business. To ensures an excellent and cost effective result for several ranges of businesses across the world you need to make your business online. A website can be divided into different categories: 

Different categories of websites:-

Corporate Website: - Corporate websites differ from e-commerce, portal, or sites in that they provide information to the public about the company rather than transacting business or providing other services. A corporate website usually include the a homepage, a navigation bar, a unified look and feel incorporating the company logos, style sheets, and graphic images, an "about us" section that include summary of company operations, history, and mission statement, pages of special interest to specific groups that include an employment section where the company lists open positions and/or tells job seekers how to apply, investor pages with the annual report, business plan, current stock price, financial statements, overview of the company structure, SEC filing or other regulatory filings, pages for employees, suppliers, customers, strategic partners, affiliates, and Contact Information etc.
Commercial website: - Commercial Websites are commonly used to earn money. It may include the company website with some additional features or description and price lists of products etc. These types of website usually operate for profit. This includes sites that make money through advertising. Magazines make most of their money through selling ads, as do many newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, etc.

Affiliate Website: - Affiliate Websites are generally used to earn money by affiliate programs. These are the websites which promote other websites to increase the traffic and get commission on the sale basis.

Your website must be effective that can make a good impression on user and can increase the chances to achieve good result. Now the question is how you can make your website effective.

Here are some key points that helps to make your website much effective

Effective Web Design Services

Structure of the Website: - Structure of the Website is the main point that make a great effect on the mind of a user. If your website structure is perfect then user stay on it more time but if structure is not good it will make negative effect. Always tries to use well managed, Communicable and Economized content and avoid useless content and graphics.

Simplicity: - Always use simple and easy language which can be easily understood by the user, because lengthy and difficult text will frustrate the audience.

Feature Exposure: - Try to expose the main features of the products or services in such a manner that it highlights the qualities and advantages of service or the product instantly and motivate the user.

Manage to focus user's attention :- As web-sites provide both static and dynamic content, some aspects of the user interface attract attention more than others do. Obviously, images are more eye-catching than the text — just as the sentences marked as bold are more attractive than plain text. So you should use proper combination of images and text.

Make use of effective writing :- As the Web is different from print, it’s necessary to adjust the writing style to users’ preferences and browsing habits. Promotional writing won’t be read. Long text blocks without images and keywords marked in bold or italics will be skipped. Exaggerated language will be ignored.Talk business. Avoid cute or clever names, marketing-induced names, company-specific names, and unfamiliar technical names. For instance, if you describe a service and want users to create an account, “sign up” is better than “start now!” which is again better than “explore our services”.

Speed :- Speed is the most important feature for a website.In this busy world, everyone runs short of time. People don’t want to waste their time while waiting the thing to take place. So, they browse and use internet to accomplish any sort of work. So avoid using heavy graphics and prefer the designs which can be easily accessible from anywhere.

SEO Friendly :- Your website must be SEO Friendly by design. The content in the website must be seo friendly and use of keywords with proper header tags must be perfect so you can rank up fast. 

Easy To Update:- Your website must be easy to update so when required you can update your website.

Joomla Development Corporation is a leading Effective web Design and web development company which offering you the best web design, development and Internet marketing services to all over the world. We are US Based organization and 24*4 hour available to help you to solve any issue. If you have any query regarding any thing you can call us at  +1-785-566-6521 or 011-45067702

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